Energy audit for both sites: a decisive step towards greater sustainability

As a regionally anchored family business, the future of our region and the environment are important to us. Sustainability and climate protection are a high priority for us and are becoming increasingly important. 

A further step was taken here with the completion of the energy audit in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Act (EEffG, BGBI. I Nr. 59/2023)

Reduction in energy consumption: The existing hydropower plant currently covers around 10 percent of the electricity requirements at the Pregarten site. In addition, a photovoltaic system was put into operation with the new warehouse in Pregarten. Furthermore, the waste heat from the production processes is used to heat the buildings.

Energy management: Hot water is heated at both sites using compressed air heat exchangers. Frequency converters are mainly used for motors in order to adapt the power and speed to the current operating status.

Potential energy savings: As part of the audit, existing processes were also critically reviewed for potential energy savings and these are now being evaluated internally accordingly for realizability.