Our green contribution
As a regionally anchored family business, the future of both our region and the environment is very close to our hearts.
We're taking steps towards a sustainable future and operate a photovoltaic system with an output of 200 kWp in our new high-bay warehouse.
Our hydroelectric plant is a further element of our contribution to nature: with 100 kWp it currently covers 10% of the company's electricity requirements in Pregarten.
Grains, flours, raw materials and baked goods are quickly and professionally analysed at all processing levels in the analytical laboratories of the Pfahnl Mühle and Ludwig Polsterer Mühle.
The various qualitative and dough rheology analyses performed by Pfahnl form the technical foundation for delivering the highest quality flours and baking ingredients. They are also critical for supporting the development of innovative foods and new manufacturing processes.
Over the course of its more than 500-year history, Pregarten has made a name for itself. What started in 1476 with a small grain mill on the banks of the Waldaist is today a successful and reliable partner for industrial and commercial customers far beyond the European borders. We are the only supplier in Austria to provide both fine flours produced in-house AND individually created baking ingredients. That's how Pfahnl is building a bridge between tradition and the future.
Read moreNothing is as important to us at Pfahnl as the best raw materials and the highest quality – so that you can offer your customers the very best products. That's why taking a great deal of care with our supply and processing has always been an important feature of our company. We only use the highest quality products in the production process. Most of the grain for our flours comes from the regions around our two mills in Pregarten and Enzerdorf an der Fischa. Our baking ingredients are refined in Austria.
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Career at Pfahnl
As a successful and dynamic company, Pfahnl is always looking for employees to accompany us on the path towards the future of the food industry.
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